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"North End of Iona" 2021 Oils. 20 x 24 Inches

"Tornado" Oils. 42 x 60 Inches

Detail of above Painting

"Bull on Marsh" Oils. 10 x 12 Inches

"Indian Otter" Oils. 10 x 12 Inches

"Hedgehog" Pastel Chalks. 8 x 6 Inches

"Indian Otter" Conte Crayon. 22 x 25 Inches

"Hare" Conte Crayon. 7 x 7 Inches

"Oyster Catchers Mull" Pastel Chalk. 18 x 22 Inches

"Tiree Washing Day". Oils 5 x 7 Inches

"Gannett off Rhum" Oils 12 x 15 Inches

Beach View from Portfield Isle of Mull

"Aberdeen Angus Bull" Oils. 5 x 7 Feet (Yes, feet!)

Painting of a Luing Bull

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